Progress Report MEMO DE


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 UBC Professor
From: Danae Echeverria, ENGL 301 UBC Student
Date: July 8th, 2022
Subject: Progress Report – Implementing retention strategies to reduce employee burnout and combat staffing shortage at C Market Coffee

The following is a memorandum written as a progress report—it contains the objectives and plan of action for the Formal Report on implementing retention strategies to reduce employee burnout and combat staffing shortage at C Market Coffee. Please note the two survey links and outline that are attached below.

Purpose and Significance of Report
The purpose of this report is to provide a realistic and practical plan for streamlining hiring and retention strategies as a way to improve the well-being and morale of the existing workers—specifically senior employees—and increase staff numbers at the C Market Coffee second location in Port Coquitlam.

Intended Audience
This report is for the C Market Coffee store manager, Jun Park, who leads the management team by overseeing all aspects of the café’s operations including hiring and scheduling staff, maintaining inventory, and monitoring sales, expenses, and budgets.

Report Objectives
The objects of this report are to:

1. Identify the additional challenges senior staff is facing as a result of the current operating system
2. Assess and confirm the feasibility of developing a plan to combat staffing issues, ensuring it aligns with the strategic objectives and requires a minimal expenditure
3. Recommend ways to build a strong employee foundation through proper compensation and reasonable workloads in order further grow and develop the brand

Primary data collection through two online surveys intended for current employees at the second C Market Coffee location; while the Employee Satisfaction Survey is designed to evaluate the employee satisfaction levels of all seventeen staff members, the Senior Staff Survey is aimed to identify the extra challenges faced by senior staff and address employee burnout.

Secondary sources will include publications and statistics on recent labour shortage studies in BC as well as different mutually-benefiting hiring and retention strategies used by businesses.

Research Plan
In order to analyze the feasibility and provide effective recommendations, I plan to:

      • Conduct an Employee Satisfaction Survey for all senior staff and new hires
      • Research the approximate costs for offering compensation such as raises, profit-sharing, stock options, commissions, and bonuses
      • Survey senior staff about the café’s management and operating systems
      • Identify different operating strategies to improve efficiency and increase sales
      • Survey new hires for feedback on the training and hiring process

Research and gather statistics on the different retention and hiring strategies used by other local businesses

Writing Schedule
July 10: Conduct both the Employee Satisfaction Survey and Senior Staff Survey
July 13: Organize and design visuals using the data collected from surveys
July 15: Research the approximate costs and strategies for offering compensation such as raises, profit-sharing, stock options, commissions, and bonuses
July 17: Identify and recommend operating strategies to improve efficiency and increase sales
July 18: Research and gather statistics on the different retention and hiring strategies used by other local businesses
July 19: Organize all survey data and research into a document
July 19-22: Write the rough draft for Formal Report
July 22: Rough draft due
July 24: Self-edit and write a peer review
July 27-August 1: Receive peer review and revise formal report according to feedback
Aug 2: Final Formal Report due

Thank you for taking the time to read and review this progress report and the attached links. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.

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