Formal Report Outline (Chris Jung)

Implementing an Electronic Queuing System in the UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre 

I. Introduction

  • A. Introduction to the popular gym equipment in Birdcoop Fitness Centre and the current queuing system
  • B. Statement of problem
  • C. Purpose of report
  • D. Brief description of data sources
  • E. Scope of this inquiry

II. Data Section (Body)

  • A. Types of popular equipment in Birdcoop Fitness Centre
    1. Survey completed by Birdcoop Fitness users regarding gym equipment they frequently use
  • B. Changes in the number of visitors after the COVID restriction was lifted
    1. Interview with the staff of Birdcoop Fitness regarding the number of visitors to Birdcoop Fitness Centre before and after COVID
  • C. Amount of time spent waiting for equipment
    1. Survey completed by Birdcoop Fitness users regarding how much time they spend waiting for gym equipment
    2. Survey completed by Birdcoop Fitness users regarding types of gym equipment they spend the most time waiting
  • D. Conflicts between users caused by the current waiting system of Birdcoop Fitness Centre
    1. Survey completed by Birdcoop Fitness users regarding whether they have experienced conflicts with other users due to waiting while using Birdcoop Fitness Centre
    2. Interview with the staff of Birdcoop Fitness regarding conflicts due to waiting for gym equipment they witnessed working at Birdcoop Fitness Centre
  • E. Solution: Electronic queuing system using a UBC card
    1. ID checking systems using a UBC card currently used in the UBC
    2. Description of queuing system in Birdcoop Fitness Centre using UBC card
    3. Expected advantages of using an electronic queuing system using a UBC card
  • F. Installation Plans
    1. Hardware Implementations
    2. Software Production
    3. Financial Plan

III. Conclusion

  • A. Summary of Findings
  • B. Recommendations

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