Assignment 2:3 Formal Report Outline Samantha

Adopting Postural Awareness Techniques to Reduce Musculoskeletal Injuries

Samantha Teeple

General Purpose: To persuade
Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that the inclusion of these techniques will prevent long-term injuries
Report Statement: Postural awareness techniques need to be adopted in a downtown Calgary dental practice to reduce worker fatigue and long-term injuries.


  1. Explain the topic of inquiry

               A. Define musculoskeletal (MSD’s) injuries

               B. Highlight increased propensity of dental clinicians for injuries

               C. Purpose of this report

               D. Brief description of data sources

               E. Scope of this inquiry

BODY (Data Section)

II. Why do dental clinicians suffer much higher incidences of workplace MSD’s?

   A. Pre-existing conditions

   B. Physical demands of the clinical role

1. improper ergonomics

2. repetitive strains

3. time constraints

a. clients with physical impairments

b. scheduling concerns

  C. What are the most common MSD’s?

      1. occupational hazards

a. holding postures for long periods of time

b. awkward bodily positioning

c. improper use of dental equipment

  D. Causes of premature exit from the profession

a. studies that indicate the most common reasons for leaving the profession

  E. Injuries contributing to long-term disability

a. workplace interviews

b. study conclusions

c. study conclusions

  F. Would the adoption of postural awareness techniques help prevent MSD’s

    1. feasibility of cost

a. employee training costs

b. scheduling of time

    2. employee acceptance

    3. longer employee retention


III. Summary

A.    Summary of overall interpretation of findings
B.    Recommendations

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