Piper Kim’s Formal Report Progress Memo

To: Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor

From: Piper Kim, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 8, 2022

Subject: Progress of Formal Report: Implementing Dairy-Free Options at Ice Cream on Grand,  New Jersey, USA


I have posted my formal report outline for Implementing Dairy-Free Options at Ice Cream on Grand,  New Jersey, USA on my team’s forum (Leif Jack’s Team). Please review my progress report memo below. 

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this formal report is to implement dairy-free options at Ice Cream on Grand. This local ice cream shop has been in business for more than two decades yet carries the same 32 flavors, all containing dairy. In order to be more inclusive to all types of customers (vegan, lactose intolerant, etc.), Ice Cream on Grand needs to seek dairy alternatives. By finding a common ground, there will be a positive impact on the business (i.e. revenue) and customer traction/satisfaction. 

Intended Audience: 

Syed Rizvi, the owner of Ice Cream on Grand 


  • To determine the feasibility of the implementation of a non-dairy ice cream flavor
  • To provide recommendations on improving customer satisfaction 


Primary data is collected based on a consultation with Syed Rizvi, owner of Ice Cream on Grand, and the company Panza, which is the head supplier of our productions to discuss the practicality of dairy-free options. 

In-person and online surveys via UBC Qualtrics are available. Attached is a sample of the online survey that will be used. 


Secondary sources include the government consensus. 

Formal Report Outline

Attached below is a PDF of my formal report outline.

Piper Kim’s Formal Report Outline

Research Plan 

These are the next steps in my research: 

  • Consult with Syed Rizvi and the head supplier of Panza 
    • Discuss the feasibility of dairy alternatives and pricing 
    • Explore the best alternative flavor 
    • Gain permission to survey the customers 
  • Once approved, discuss with other coworkers on talking to customers 
    • In-person and/or online survey 
    • Revise survey questions according to feedback from my coworkers
  • Conduct surveys for a one week period 
  • Secondary research
    • Government censuses 
      • Demographics of people living in Englewood, New Jersey
  • Data analysis on surveys/responses

Writing Schedule

July 8: Post my formal report outline and memo to my team forum 

July 10: Revise survey questions based on feedback

July 11-18: Conduct in-person and online surveys 

July 16: Research secondary sources

July 18: Complete primary and secondary research and begin summarizing the findings

July 20: Analyze the findings and create visuals

July 22: Complete formal report draft and post on my team forum 

August 2: Finalize formal report according to suggestions from peer review

Thank you for reviewing my progress report and formal report outline. I hope everything is clear and up to date. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns, or if any changes are needed.

Warm regards,


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