Formal Report Outline, Dennis

 Determining Cause and Impact of Rising Student Housing Cost at UBC


  • A. Background on the issue of student housing affordability these years
  • B. The potential cause and impact of the problem
  • C. Who can take action into solving it?
  • D. Method of data collection
  • E. Qualification of personnel presenting the report.
  • F. Purpose of the report
  • G. Description of primary and secondary data sources
  • H. Scope of this inquiry

II. Data and Analysis

A. Surveys on current residents:

Conduct statistics to see if the level of satisfaction has changed, based on:

1. Pros and Cons of living on campus
2. Types of Financial Challenges students face nowadays

B. Surveys on the residence management team

Research into current power efficiency and operating system.

1. Types of issues of power usage.
2. Studies and comparison of similar bike-sharing services

3. Potential Sustainable technology that can use

C. Use existing research to find potential methods


A. Summary and interpretation of findings
B. Recommendations

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