Madison’s Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 professor

From: Madison Strasman, ENGL 301 student

Date: July 9, 2022

Subject: Progress on installing streetlights on Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive

Hello Dr. Paterson,

This memo addresses the progress of my report regarding the absence of streetlights on Southwest Marine Drive and Northwest Marine Drive. I have discussed my altered intended audience, the purpose of this report, the significance of the report, my research plan, and my writing schedule.

After reconsideration, the audience of this report will be addressed to William Emo, the the manager of the University Endowment Lands.

The purpose of this report is to address the concern revolving the absence of streetlights on Southwest Marine Drive, also known as the UBC Highway. This is important because commuters to the University rely on Southwest Marine Drive via bicycle, public transportation, car, or walking.

William Emo is the manager of the University Endowment Lands and is responsible for overseeing all administration. There have been several incidents on Southwest Marine Drive and Northwest Marine Drive involving vehicle pedestrian collisions and this is a safety concern. Mr. Emo is in a position to implement streetlights in the City of Vancouver and with his connections, there is potential for this proposal to move forward.

My research plan is as follows:

  • Identify the locations of incidents along Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive
  • Research urban planning tactics for streetlighting
  • Conduct surveys online regarding safety concerns on Southwest and Northwest Marine Drive

I have also scheduled dates to structure this report.

July 10: Begin Formal Report Draft

July 11-15: Begin structuring report and conducting research

July 16-18: Send out online surveys

July 19-22: Assemble Formal Report Draft with research, survey results received and review

July 22: Formal Report Draft due

July 23-27: Continue receiving surveys

July 27: Peer Review received

July 28: Consider Peer Review and feedback

July 29-August 2: Assemble Final Draft

August 2: Final Draft due

To your request, I have attached my survey questions below.

Survey Questions

Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any inadequate information or further questions.

Thank you.

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