3.1 MEMO Evan Crisp writing with you additiude


To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student
From: Ethan Fung, ENGL 301 student
Date: July 10, 2022
Subject: Tips for Writing Effective Email Messages to Professors


Here is the requested memo regarding best practices in writing professional emails to professors seeking to be enrolled in a full course. The tips below may help in receiving a response from professors.

Writing tips

  • Using a professional email, eg. UBC email 
  • Addressing the professor directly in a professional manner 
  • Having a subject line that includes the subject, course code number, and topic of discussion
  • Providing valid reasons for requesting a seat in the course  
  • Using a professional tone while avoiding slang and abbreviations 
  • Focusing on the subject and avoiding unnecessary information
  • Providing a reasonable time frame for a response
  • Concluding the email with a respectful statement such as best wishes or sincerely 
  • Including a full name and student number at the end of the email 


Professors usually have a large number of emails to answer every day so following the tips provided above is essential to receiving a response. Hopefully, these suggestions are helpful, if there are any questions about the tips please email me at ethanfung5080@gmail.com.  

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