Formal proposal revised

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 professor

From: Peter Yang, ENGL 301 student

Date: June 22, 2022

Subject: Proposal for improved lighting in UBCV


The intended audience for this formal report is Grant Miller: UBC Director of Planning: Development Services.


Built on the traditional land of the Musqueam People, UBC is truly a large and beautiful campus to visit and walk around. There we can see the ocean, the various trees, grasses and the squirrels that reside on our campus. This is another reason why so many students want to come to UBC to study apart from its world ranking. 

statement of Problem

UBC is a wonderful place to study as well as a lovely place to visit. However, due to a large number of trees and very few streetlights, walking to class at night during the winter session can be extremely frightening, since the day quickly goes dark. Furthermore, it can also be very unsafe, especially for female students. As a matter of fact, I sometimes feel uneasy walking from Irving. K, Barber to the Aquatic Center despite the short distance. 

 Proposed solution

The proposed solution to this issue is to install more streetlights on the campus grounds. More streetlights on campus allow students, faculty and staff to see better at night and safer while walking on campus and in surrounding areas. Furthermore, this also allows drivers to see students crossing the street and most importantly, make students, faculty and staff feel safer. For example, it is best to have more streetlights near the UBC Aquatic center and the entire areas surrounding Irving.K.Barber building, and the fountain, as it is the darkest part of the campus. In addition, lights should also be installed between the club and the Aquatic Center. Most importantly, there should be more streetlights on Marine Drive as it is the darkest at night, where it is really hard to see. Thus, unsafe for cars and pedestrians. 


In order to make the UBC community as safe as possible I will consider the questions:

  1. How far apart should the streetlights be installed?
  2. At which location do we need streetlights the most?
  3. What would the cost be for installing a streetlight?
  4. How safe do students feel when walking on campus at night?
  5. what can the UBC community do to prevent further accidents?


My data will primarily come from a questionnaire filled out by students online through Google Forms. I will post it on UBC Discord. I will also ask questions on UBC servers that I am in, as well as, my friends who go to UBC about the topic.

My qualifications

I am a fourth-year Arts student majoring in Psychology and I am expected to graduate in May 2023. 


UBC is a very large place with few people, so at night it can be dangerous and very dark. Especially, during the Winter sessions because the sky goes dark very quickly during these winter months; thus, walking on campus is considered dangerous and scary at night. Furthermore, some campus locations do not have enough streetlights, which is not making anything better. Therefore, if granted permission to proceed with the study I will use the questions asked above to guide my research on installing more streetlights within the UBC community. 

Formal proposal revised

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