Progress Report Memo (Anushka)


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Anushka Nair, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 8th,2022

Subject: Progress Report for Formal Report: Improving community engagement in Bedok public library run by Singapore’s National Library Board (NLB)

I have posted my formal report outline as detailed by lesson 2:3 on my team’s writing forum. Please find a summary detailing the progress of my formal report on improving community engagement in the Bedok public library below:

Audience: Ms. Raneetha d/o Rajaratnam, director of programmes and services for the National Library Board (NLB)


  • The purpose of my report is to provide recommendations, based on feedback from Bedok community members and employees of Bedok Library employees, to improve community engagement in libraries
  • To gauge the interests and opinions of Bedok Community members regarding library-run community programmes and features present in the library  

Significance of the Report:

This report will provide a solution to community members who rely on library-run programmes and improve their experience at the library.


  1. Understand and find issues faced by libraries in Singapore because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Find out what community members want to see in the Bedok public library in the future 
  3. Provide recommendations to improve the Bedok Public Library 


Primary data includes two surveys given to community members, one on community programmes and one on potential new services they want to see in the library. The links to the surveys can be found below:

Primary data also includes a short interview with Ms. Raneetha d/o Rajaratnam, director of programmes and services for the National Library Board (NLB). The interview questions are provided below:

Interview Questions

My secondary sources will include annual reports provided by the National Library Board as well as studies and publications on the issues that Singaporean libraries are facing in the post-pandemic economy.


Research Plan

In order to analyze the feasibility and provide effective recommendations, I plan to:

  • Identify the current problem with examples
  • Compose surveys for community members 
  • Compose an interview for National Library Board employee(s)
  • Seek volunteers for the surveys 
  • Research literature regarding the issues that Singaporean libraries are facing in the post-pandemic economy
  • Analyze the data obtained by the survey and interview 
  • Produce visuals based on survey data and secondary data 


Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline of the formal report:

Formal report outline


Writing Schedule

  • July 13th:  Send out surveys to Bedok Community Members 
  • July 14th: Interview Ms. Raneetha d/o Rajaratnam
  • July 16th – 17th: Research secondary data sources
  • July 18th:  Analyze and summarize findings from surveys, the interview and secondary data
  • July 22nd: Formal report draft
  • July 27th – August 2nd:  Revise the formal report and create the final draft 

Thank you for taking the time to review my work. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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