Revised Formal Report Proposal (Anushka)

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, 

From: Anushka Nair, Student

Date: 22nd June 2022

Topic: Proposal to improve community engagement in Bedok Public Library run by Singapore’s National Library Board (NLB)




The intended audience for this report is Ms. Raneetha d/o Rajaratnam, director of programmes and services for the National Library Board (NLB)



Over the past few years, public libraries have significantly suffered due to the reduction of visitors and community engagement because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent budget cuts. In 2021, all Singaporean public libraries were forced to reduce their capacity to 25%, limit visits to 1 or 2 hours and shut down all additional services (like cafes) and community programs in order to adhere to the strict COVID-19 measures imposed by the government. The overall number of visitors reduced from 26.7 million in 2019 to 9.06 million. The rise of digital media and increased demand for e-books have also threatened the number of physical visitors.


Statement of problem

Since COVID-19 protocols have been lifted, public libraries have not seen a recovery in visitorship. This loss has caused the overall reach to go down from 72% to 68% (National Library Board, 2021). This has led to the inevitable shutdown of important community programmes, with the number of pre-pandemic programmes being 27,000 to the current number of programmes lying around only 6000 (National Library Board, 2020). These community programs are incredibly important. Library programs are opportunities to support lifelong learning. They serve residents of all ages and income levels. They serve a community’s diversity through engaging entertainment, enrichment, and opportunities to encounter new ideas and learn new skills. Reduced visitorship threatens the survival of the library itself. Libraries help boost local economies and offer safe refuges for the underserved and poor. 


Proposed Solution: 

One possible solution is to create an omnichannel (engagement approach in which a company gives access to their products, offers, and support services to customers on all platforms, and devices) learning marketplace platform so that learning can take place both digitally and physically. This would include improving digital facilities offered by the NLB, including the mobile app, and ensuring that library spaces are open for work and learning. (National Library Board, 2021)



To assess the feasibility of the proposed solution, I plan to pursue the following areas of inquiry with the specific branch of Bedok Public Library in mind:

  1. What are the current programmes that are running?
  2. Which programmes (in the past or currently running) are the most popular amongst community members?
  3. Can the most popular programmes be adapted for a digital platform?
  4. What kind of programmes do community members prefer in the post-pandemic world?
  5. Are community members open to engagement programmes hosted online? 
  6. Is it feasible to improve the additional services (such as cafes, etc.) provided in Bedok Public Library? 
  7. Is it possible to implement a digital learning zone in Bedok Public Library?



My primary data sources will include surveys distributed to members of the Bedok community in order to assess their interests. I will also conduct interviews with employees of the National Library Board, Bedok Public Library branch and Bedok Community members to get a better understanding of the challenges they are facing. 


My secondary sources will include annual reports provided by the National Library Board as well as studies and publications on the issues that Singaporean libraries are facing in the post-pandemic economy.


My Qualifications

I have been a member of the Bedok community for a decade as well as an active user of the public library system. I am also currently employed within the government, and due to my close proximity to all government services and employees, I will therefore have access to employees at the National Library Board (a government agency). My association with the government will give me an opportunity for an in-depth feasibility study due to the interviews I will be able to conduct with senior NLB management, such as Ms. Raneetha d/o Rajaratnam. 



Action is needed to improve community engagement in public libraries in order to keep the local economy healthy and enrich the lives of community members.  By addressing my areas of inquiry mentioned earlier, I can determine the feasibility of my proposed solution. 


Works Cited


​​​​National Library Board. (2021). National Library Board Annual Report 2020 / 2021. Singapore: National Library Board. Retrieved from 


National Library Board. (2020). National Library Board Annual Report 2019/2020. Singapore: National Library Board. Retrieved from

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