Assignment 3:1 Writing with the YOU Attitude Samantha


To:         Evan Crisp

From:    Samantha Teeple, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

Date:     July 14. 2022

Subject: Writing Effective E-Mail Messages

Here’s the advice you requested on writing an effective e-mail message. These guidelines will result in compelling e-mail messages.

Advice for writing effective e-mail messages

Writers of compelling e-mail messages follow these tips:

  • Using a subject line to inform audience of intent
  • Addressing email recipients formally
  • Formatting messages with short, concise sentence structure
  • Editing out typos, grammatical errors, and wordy sentences
  • Providing necessary details in messages
  • Discuss why the recipient should be compelled
  • Ending with a professional sign off

Compelling emails are necessary for obtaining desired results. Following these tips will promote effective communication in the form of e-mail messages. If you have any questions, please contact me at 123 or email me at

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