Assignment 3:1 Writing with the YOU Attitude MEMO- Lovin


Date:      July 14, 2022

To:          Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student

From:     Lovin Kahlon, ENGL 301 student

Subject:  Best Practices for Emailing Professors


Thank you for reaching out and asking about creating effective emails for UBC professors. Please find below some suggestions that will assist you in writing effectively and will likely result in course acceptance.


Using a clear subject line to indicate the reason for the email/specific class conveys the urgency of a time-sensitive matter.

Avoiding the use of the pronoun “you” in the body of the email will convey a positive message rather than sounding demanding to the reader.

Making sure the salutation for the professor starts with “Dear Professor (last name)” or “Hello Professor”

Sending the email from the university email will verify the sender as a prospective student and not end up in the professor’s spam folder.

Ending the email with “Sincerely” or “Best Regards” followed by the sender’s full name is polite and will assist the professor in finding your name in the university system.

Keeping your request short and to the point ensures clarity and helps the professor answer questions quickly.

Wording can be changed from demands to polite requests.

Removing any unnecessary personal information will improve the formal tone of the email.

Explaining briefly the reason for interest in the professor’s class will highlight the prospective student.

Being professional and polite in your writing is respectful and will be appreciated by the professor.

Thanking the professor for their time to read the email is essential.

Proofreading is essential to correct grammatical and spelling errors.


When writing an email to your professors, how you communicate and present yourself is extremely important. I wish you the best in your goal to be accepted into your preferred class. The above-listed tips will definitely help you to form a professional email and will likely prompt a reply from the professor. If you have questions, please call me at 123-456-7890 or email me at

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