To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: Jo Hempelmann, ENGL301 Student
Date: June 22, 2022
Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Determining Optimal Class Organization Practices on the Messaging and Communication App ‘Discord’

Please see my posted formal report proposal for Determining Optimal Class Organization Practices on the Messaging and Communication App ‘Discord’ on my team forum Izabel’s Team. The PDF is attached below.

My research proposal contains the following:

• Introduction  – Determining Optimal Class Organization Practices on the Messaging and Communication App ‘Discord’.
 Statement of Problem – Potential inadvertent academic misconduct or exposure to same on student Discord servers.
• Proposed Solutions – Creation of boilerplate rules statement students are encouraged to use for Discord servers, prominent display of syllabus anti-cheating policies in Discord server.
• Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Interviews with Discord server moderators and leaders, interviews with students who have experiences with using class Discord servers.
• My Qualifications – Discord server moderator, experienced in community activism and organization via Discord.
• Conclusion – Summarizes issue at hand and ways of mitigating accidental misconduct.


Jo Hempelmann Project Proposal


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