Memo to Evan Crisp (Anushka)


To: Evan Crisp, ENGL 301 Student

From: Anushka Nair, ENGL 301 Student 

Date: 14th July 2022

Subject: Best practices in writing emails to a professor

Here is a list of best practices when writing emails to professors. These tips result in more professional and effective email messages. 

  • Utilizing a professional-sounding email address will give a great first impression.  
  • Writing an informative, concise subject line that includes course code/name and a short (maximum four words) summary of the email’s content. 
  • Starting the email with the proper salutation, such as “Dear”, and honorific, “Professor” in general or “Dr.” for instructors with a Ph.D. degree, will ensure a formal tone. 
  • Being clear and brief in the body of the email with specific language will prevent unnecessary back-and-forth.
  • Including action(s) required from the instructor, where applicable, to make the purpose of the email clear
  • Refraining from using demanding tone or wording and colloquial language will ensure that the email is polite and professional 
  • Avoiding ambiguous terms like “today” or “tomorrow” when scheduling meetings will establish clarity.  
  • Composing a polite closing with a full name and student number.
  • Making the email content scannable by using block format, limiting the number of sentences per paragraph and using bullet points and numbered lists where applicable.
  • Responding promptly when instructors request to be respectful. 


E-mail is a great tool to exchange information quickly and conveniently with professors. Following these best practices will help ensure that the email is efficient and sounds professional. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email at

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