Complaint Letter – Benson

Benson Lin

123 100 Street

Surrey, BC XXX 123



July 18th, 2022


Novus Entertainment Inc. 

112 E 3rd Ave #300, 

Vancouver, BC V5T 1C8

Dear Novus Customer Service, 

On July 10th 2022, I received a new Internet router from Novus from one of the technicians. The technician setup the router and the Internet was working for about a day. Afterwards, I started experiencing outages with my Internet service.

I called the Customer Service Call Centre and Jessica, the customer service agent, attempted to restart my service from her side. However, that did not fix my issue but Jessica suggested that I try to restart my router by unplugging the power from it. The Internet service was restored after restarting my router. But on July 15th, 2022, my Internet service stopped working again. I have attempted to fix the issue by restarting my router but my service has not been restored. This outage is frustrating as I cannot use my computer or phone at home. I want to request a replacement Internet router as soon as possible to resolve my Internet issues.

My account number is #111-A123123 and please let me know when to expect the replacement router. 



Benson Lin  

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