Letter of Complaint – Chris Jung

Chris Jung
1212 W 32nd Ave.
Vancouver, BC V7S, 2J3 BC, Canada

July 18, 2022

SDK Sports
510 W Georgia St #14, Vancouver, BC V6B 0M3, BC, Canada

Subject: Request for Exchange of Defective Wrist Strap

Dear SDK Sports Customer Service,

SDK Sports’ wide variety of products and prompt delivery service provided innovative changes in my gym life.

On July 4th, 2022, I ordered a wrist strap(STR-113G Model) on Amazon’s website and received the item after 2 days from the day. I used the strap during exercises for a week in the way the instruction described. However, after a week of exercise with the wrist strap, one strap started to be ripped during deadlifts. This was not expected at all as the wrist has never held weight over 200kg as per the maximum weight described in the instruction states. Now the wrist strap does not function as it should and needs to be replaced with a new product.

For this reason, I request the exchange of a faulty wrist strap with a new one. I attached the receipt from the original purchase of the item and the picture of the ripped wrist strap.

Thank you for your time and I would appreciate a swift resolution to this issue.

Best Regards,

Chris Jung

Enclosure 1): Receipt of the original purchase

Enclosure 2): Picture of ripped strap

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