Bad News Letter – Chris Jung

Johnathan Srhrute, SDK Sports Customer Service
510 W Georgia St #14, Vancouver, BC V6B 0M3, BC, Canada

July 23, 2022

Chris Jung
1212 W 32nd Ave.
Vancouver, BC V7S, 2J3 BC, Canada

Subject: Re: Request for Exchange of Defective Wrist Strap

Dear Chris Jung,

Thank you for contacting us and letting us know about the problem with one of our products. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our faulty STR-113G wrist strap.

We found your purchase record of STR-113G on July 4th, 2022, and found the root cause of the problem. The manufacturing team noticed that there was an issue with one machine that sewed the STR-113G for several hours about one month ago. We assume that the product manufactured from the malfunctioning machine was delivered to you. It is our fault that we did not filter out the faulty product beforehand. We will deliver a new product of the same model to you in 3 business days with a complimentary 10$ SDK Sports gift card to the previous delivery address.

We apologize again for delivering a poor quality product to you and thank you for your time telling us our mistake. Please contact us at this email if you have any further inquiries about the issue.

Best Regards,

Johnathan Schrute

SDK Sports Customer Service

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