Bad News Letter – Dennis

Burg King, Regional Manager

2095 W 41st Ave, Vancouver, BC V6M 1Y7

Phone: (604) 718-1055


July 18, 2022


Dennis Deng
8888 Hudson St, Vancouver, BC, V6M 2ZZ

Dear Mr.Deng,

Thank you for letting us know about your concern regarding your recent online order. At McDonald’s, our goal is to always make customers happy with our service and products. Despite of our effort in making our customers happy, I apologize that you had an issue with our delivery through our app.

Upon our investigation into the issue that you have brought up, we do acknowledge the fact that delivery confirmation can cause confusion to customers. The food you chose on our menu was not available at the time and yet the menu displayed on your end did not adjust accordingly.

Considering the confusion that our mobile app could have caused to you and possibly to others in the future, we, at McDonald’s, have revised and improved our app in order to avoid such discrepancies.

We are aware of the fact that it was partially our fault for this incident, however, our policy of ‘no refund’ should always be consistent to every customer without exception. Therefore, instead of offering you a refund, we will offer you a $5 gift card in token of our apologies.

Please do not hesitate to contact us again for any other concerns that you may have and we will always try honouring your inquiries or concerns.


Bur King

Director of McDonald’s customer team.

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