Progress Report – Hanul Seo


To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From:  Hanul Seo, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date:  July 19th, 2022
Subject: 301 Progress Report: Implementing Financed Mental Health Program for Disadvantaged Youth in British Columbia

Purpose and Significance of Report

This report aims to demonstrate that children and youth raised in financially disadvantaged circumstances are more likely to suffer increased stresses and overall reduced access to mental health resources and at the same time they are at higher risk of suffering numerous health and social problems: juvenile delinquency, bullying, and suicide being three of the most serious. (Goodman 2005).

Intended Audience
  • Honourable Mitzi Dean, Minister of Child and Family Services B.C.
Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To investigate ways for the ministry to alleviate some of these risks by providing a subsidized program for mental health resources for youth at risk.
  • This report aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of a subsidized mental health program for financially disadvantaged youth within B.C.

Primary data collection through an online survey of employees who currently work with troubled youth to determine if they believe that children of lower SES (socio-economic status) are at more risk than those of high SES

Secondary sources will include studies of the various demographics of Vancouver – as listed on Statistics Canada, and other sources of academic publications and studies regarding childrens’ SES status and its correlation to their mental health.


Formal Report Outline

The link below is the outline for the formal report:

Formal Report Outline – Hanul Seo

Research Plan

To analyze the feasibility and provide practical recommendations, I plan to:
  • Identify how many children from ages 12-18 have a background of low SES (SES: socio-economic-status)?
  • Identify what other resources are there for at risk youth within the lower mainland?
  • Identify what current research regarding at risk youth and their correlation to their SES (SES: socio-economic-status) states?
  • Data analysis on surveys
  • Produce visuals based on survey data
Writing Schedule

The attachment below is my writing schedule for July 2022:

Hanul Seo ENGL 301 Writing Schedule

I thank you for your time, and look forward to your feedback on this report.

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