Letter of Complaint – Hanul Seo

Hanul Seo, Project Manager

123 Company Inc.

2831 Happy St,

Vancouver, British Columbia V7P 6S9


July 19th, 2022


Ms. Sabrina Kelly, Store Manager

Basic Furniture Company Inc.

9423 Smith Avenue,

Surrey, British Columbia T1E 2V1


Dear Ms. Kelly,

I hope you have been having a great summer so far.

I am writing this letter to inform you that more than half of the products we ordered were received damaged. I had submitted an inquiry two weeks ago to the customer service department at Basic Furniture Company, however, there was no response. Our order number is #SI128292, and the order should contain 40 BOBBY chairs.

This is not the first time we have inquired regarding durability issues. Last winter, we had ordered 20 table tops, and they also came scratched and damaged. This puts us at a very difficult position, as we are now figuring out alternative options for what should have been a smooth process.

For this reason, we will unfortunately look to other suppliers for furniture products. Therefore, I request a full refund of $10,310.92 #SI128292. The refund can be processed through the credit card on file.


Thank you for your assistance in resolving this matter.



Hanul Seo

Encl. attachment of email to Basic Furniture Customer Service Department.

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