Assignment 3.2 Peer Review Formal Report for Kristy

To: Kristy Vyfschaft, ENGL 301 Student

Form: Samantha Teeple EGL 301 Peer Reviewer

Date: June 27, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

Thank you for your formal report draft about the feasibility of mental health wellness program in a dental practice in Richmond hill, Ontario.

First Impressions

  • Well-planned and organized
  • Great use of visuals and white space to draw the reader’s focus
  • Content well thought out and good use of data sources

Table of Contents, List of Tables and Figures

  • Well laid out and easy to read
  • Page numbering matches pages listed
  • Appropriate placement of figures and tables list


  • Good use of bolding
  • Great labelling
  • Title of picture-lacks source
  • Refer to chapter 12 in the text-introduce visuals within the text by referring to them, such as see (Figure 1)
  • Include data source under visual
  • For your own visuals, cite the source of data used to create the visuals see pg276 in chapter 12 of the textbook.


  • Precisely followed your outline for your formal report
  • By breaking down the information into subsections, the material is easier for your audience to digest and access data at a glance
  • Includes recommended data into the introduction as outlined on page 500 of the text, which includes limitations to the study and a brief conclusion of the inquiry


  • Parenthetical references in text should follow MLA style by listing only the first author and then writing (et al.) to indicate the other authors, see page 632 of the text
  • If applicable, a page number should be included in the parenthetical reference
  • Fantastic section headings and titles with great use of white space
  • Topics and sub-topics are well described and fit the theme of the topic
  • Interpretation of each section would highlight and add consciences for easy audience reference and summarize each section
  • Good subordination of personal bias


  • Well laid out and all necessary elements included
  • Nicely summarizes the body of the report
  • Includes only the pertinent information

Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling:

  • Check sentences to ensure fluidity and proper punctuation
  • Spelling looks great

Final Remarks

  • Using et al. when referencing articles with multiple authors
  • Include in-text references to figures to prime the audience
  • See textbook pg. 276 on how to cite the source of data for figures
  • Double check sentences for fluidity and proper punctuation

Please contact me with any further questions, and with the addition of these recommendations, you will do well with your feasibility report.


Samantha Teeple

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