Peer Review for Rida

To: Rida Irshad, English 301 Student Writer

From: Olivia Fournier, English 301 Student Reviewer

Date: July 27th, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft: report on increasing community oral hygiene for individuals with special needs


Thank you for submitting this draft for your report on increasing community oral hygiene for individuals with special needs. Following the progress from your formal report proposal, the draft for your final report so far looks great. You have done a great job so far with the organization of your introduction, data sections, and conclusion. Following are some suggestions for further improving this proposal:

First Impressions: 

Love the uses of solid and powerful references throughout this draft. Really adds to the research you will be presenting. I like the tables and graphs presented; it really helps to illustrate the data while still allowing the data to look professional in the report. Great job creating a baseline for more info to be added in your final draft. This report should work out very smoothly.



  • So far, what has been written so far is well presented and professionally done
  • Highlights the lack of general knowledge of services available for individuals with special needs,
  • I can really appreciate the use of secondary data from professionals in the field, it gives an excellent perspective
  • At the beginning of the data section, looking into the needs for individuals with special needs helps to get more specific with what these new dental programs should offer.


  • Very well organized, this will be very well done once it is finished. I like the breakdown of your information


Grammar and Technical Errors:

  • The term “personal relations” can be seen in an inherently intimate relationship way. Perhaps try “close” relationship to make it more neutral of a term.
  • “Impact will these community oral hygiene programs have on the selected population’s oral and overall health.” Should be changed to “The impact that these oral hygiene programs will have on the selected populations oral and overall health”




The main concern with this report is the lack of responses from individuals with special needs themselves. It is good to have the information from people close to potential participants in these programs, however in a full report there should be some feedback from individuals experiencing special needs themselves. Other than a couple of grammar and structure errors, I would recommend finishing up more and sending me as you get closer to the end if you would like additional feedback.

Thank you!


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