Peer Review of Jessica’s Formal Report Draft

To: Jessica Barlescu, ENGL 301 Student 

From: Anushka Nair, ENGL 301 Student 

Date: July 27th, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

First Impressions:

This is a great first draft that was very interesting to read. The draft is well organized and contains all the necessary content. The draft only requires minor changes. Please find some recommendations below. 


  • The data section is very well done. It is informative and explains the purpose of the report appropriately
  • The data collection answers all the questions in the scope of the report and all the questions asked in the survey are relevant. 
  • The addition of the limitation section makes the report whole and gives the intended reader a complete picture
  • However, the summary and interpretation section under the conclusion includes more information regarding data collected from secondary sources and how they connect to the purpose of the report.
  • Which specific part(s) of the draft’s content would you recommend for revision, and what revision would you recommend?
  • Has the report identified and analyzed a problem or an area for improvement, and has it recommended workable and affordable solutions?
  • All technical definitions are included and this makes the report easy to read. 
  •  The report is logically laid out with problems and solutions discussed in an organized way 
  • Since the reader is a professional in the field, perhaps the “Research regarding diets, allergens, and food labelling practices” may not be necessary as a separate section. This research and data can be included in the interpretation section. 


  • Is the organization of the draft clear and effective at all points?
  • The heads and subheadings are effective and they reveal the content of the report clearly
  • However, the heads and subheads could be bolded to make the report easier to read. 
  • Some sections are written in big fragments and they can be broken down into smaller paragraphs. For example, the ” Research regarding diets, allergens, and food labelling practices” sub section 


  • The tone is positive through-out
  • The tone reflects the you-attitude toward the intended reader. 
  • All paragraphs and sections are easy to follow


  • The graphics are well-designed and reflect the content of the report
  • However, the captions of the images can be differentiated from the rest of the text by making them a different colour or by changing their font size. 

Concluding Comments

Only minor changes are required when making changes. These changes are related mostly to the content and design of the report. Overall, the report was an engaging read and conveyed the purpose very well. Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions. 


Jessica’s Formal Report Draft

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