Author: erikapaterson

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal Please note the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours Please note the minimal use of imperative verbs  Note how each Section of the Document under

Details Please

DETAILS please Without details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of Topic Statement of Problem Proposed Solutions Scope of Questions Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources My Qualifications Conclusion With Details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of Topic

Posting Assignments, Subject Lines and File Names

Posting Assignments Following instructions carefully is so important. To be as clear as clear can be, the instruction :”Post on Team Forum” means post the assignment on the webpage – NOT an attachment. The instructions “Post on Reflection Blog” –

An example of a Peer Review for the Definition Assignment

Organizing Future Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with sub-headings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each and every element of the document under review as well as general elements First Impressions is a good way to begin a

Preparing a Formal Report Proposal

This blog is meant to guide you with preparations for creating a proposal for your Formal Report. Before reading this blog please be sure to read the assigned pages on The Research Process. Below you will find: A brief discussion

How To create a new Team Post

Create a new post Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish

Writing Tips: Eliminating unnecessary words

Editing for conciseness: If possible, avoid two and three verbs in a row. The goal is to aim for as concise and precise language as possible. For Example: “Over the past two years, I have held the role of business

How To Post on your Team Page

Create a new post  Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish

How To Post on your Team Page

Create a new post  Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish

How to Post on your team page

Create a new post  Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish


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