Author: erikapaterson

Example of a Peer review

Good Monday 301, Here is an example of an excellent peer review from Unit One Subject:  Peer Review of Technical Definitions Assignment – Algorithm Thank you for submitting your Unit 1.3 assignment on technical definitions. You have clearly outlined the

Peer Review Example

Peer Review / Term: Genetic Engineering Thank you for submitting your definition assignment for lesson 1:3.  Please see my review of the document below, I have enjoyed reading your assignment and have made some suggestions for improvements, which I hope

Details, details, details …..

One of the tricks of technical writing is to avoid generalities and provide details – as concisely as possible. Here are a few examples to learn this trick: Example: “The target population of your proposed survey is relevant and appropriate.”

Unit One Writing Tips

Focus on Conciseness Here is a good tip for eliminating words and writing concisely: Edit out pro-nouns For example: I have written to my teammates and now have a small team for our assignment. The application letter mentioned my strengths,

Writing Teams and writing definitions

Good Friday morning 301 First, a quick note on forming your writing teams; if you receive an invitation to a team, you can write an email message responding to that invitation in place of a message of invitation. I have


Welcome to our course of studies together I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your work and the progress of our course

Drafting a Formal Report: the most common and serious errors

When drafting your Formal Report keep in mind the most common and serious errors: Writing with a negative tone: Avoid the negative. Writing with a demanding tone: Respect your reader, edit out imperative verbs. Writing information that your reader already

Writing Tips: framing survey questions

When composing survey questions, it is essential that the questions are framed in the positive, and do not lead toward a particular answer. In other words, avoid ‘leading questions.’ For example: Leading Questions: At what time of day or in

Avoid the Negative

Always ‘avoid the negative’ when writing proposals; stress positive outcomes rather than negative situations Here is an example: negative  With the rise in employees and with the lack of an organized HR information systems and management in place, it is

More Unit Two Writing Tips

When writing a list of things to do – try replacing imperative verbs with “ing” verbs – your writing tone will improve. For example: Post a professional profile photo. Profiles with photos are more likely to be viewed. When taking


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