Author: erikapaterson

Working with Surveys: an example of an ethical introduction

Survey and Interview Introduction: an example  A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this is extremely important. You must fulfill research ethics.  Here is a good example for you to study and follow

A student example of a Progress Report

MEMORANDUM To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC From:  XXX XXX, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC Date:  June 24, 2021 Subject: 301 Progress Report : Sustainable Ingredient Sourcing in Organika Health Products Inc. Purpose and Significance of Report

Avoiding Imperative Verbs

Editing out the imperative verbs when possible will make your writing more reader-friendly by changing the tone from ‘a command’ to ‘a suggestion’. Editing out imperative verbs often changes the sense of the sentence from a command to an ‘action

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal Please note: the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours the minimal use of imperative verbs how each Section of the Document under review has a

Details Please !

DETAILS please !! Without details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of Topic Statement of Problem Proposed Solutions Scope of Questions Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources My Qualifications Conclusion With Details: My research proposal contains the following: Introduction of

Revised Definition of “Riparian”

Riparian Introduction: The purpose of the following assignment is to introduce definitions and concepts within the profession to a non-expert technical audience through a series of definitions (e.g., scenarios, parentheses, sentences, and extended definitions). The assignment also uses graphics, images,

Editing out the pronouns and avoiding the negative

Editing out the pronouns and avoiding the negative: EXAMPLE: “Your explanation of negation and why health equity is important today is quite vague and doesn’t provide specific case examples of the current problems surrounding health equity or in what context

Writing Tips for Unit Two: Preparing a Proposal

This blog is meant to guide you with preparations for creating a proposal for your Formal Report. Before reading this blog please be sure to read the assigned pages on The Research Process. Below you will find: A brief discussion on asking

Organizing Peer Reviews: An example

Organizing Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with subheadings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each and every element of the document under review as well as general elements First Impressions is a good subheading to begin a review

Definition Assignment

For the assignment, the term I chose is a term that I learned in my Chinese course: “Dao” (or Tao) “Dao” is a very abstracted term, but it is very important in Chinese culture. Students who major in Chinese will encounter


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