Author: LovinKahlon

Web Folio- Lovin Kahlon

Hello Team Kristy, Attached is my Web Folio. It has been a pleasure to work with you all this semester. Best, Lovin Kahlon Enclosure:  LK Web Folio

Online Resume-Lovin Kahlon

Lovin Kahlon 123 Broad Street Winnipeg, MB R5Y 7Y5 Phone: (120) 345-2234 Email:   Objective:                           Casual Dental Hygiene Instructor Position, leading to permanent part-time.   Education:                       

Assignment 4:2 Application Package by Lovin Kahlon

Dear Team Kristy, Attached is my application package which includes a job advertisement, cover letter, resume and three requests for references. Also, attached is a link to my online resume. Best, Lovin Kahlon Application Package, English 301, Lovin Kahlon Link

Assignment 4:1- Final Formal Report- Lovin Kahlon

Dear Team Kristy, Enclosed is the letter of transmittal and a final formal report on Integrating Ultrasonic Scaling at ABC Pediatric Dental Group in Winnipeg Manitoba. Best, Lovin Enclosure: Letter of Transmittal 301 Formal Report Lovin Kahlon

Peer Review of Brianna’s Formal Report Draft by Lovin

To: Brianna Diogo From: Lovin Kahlon Date: July 27, 2022 Subject: Peer review of the formal report draft: Assessing the Feasibility of a New Structural System for Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo Thank you for submitting the formal report for

Formal Report Draft- Lovin

Hello Team. Attached is my formal report draft. Best, Lovin Enclosure: Formal Report Draft, Lovin kahlon, English 301 student

Assignment 3:1 Bad News Letter – Lovin

Total Lighting Inc. 668 Bishop Road, Winnipeg, MB R5T 8J7 (204) 456 3452 (Tel), (204) 564 8765 (fax) (email)   June 13, 2022   Ms. Lovin Kahlon ABC Construction Inc. 123 Vancouver Road Winnipeg, MB R6E 0H5   Dear

Assignment 3:1 Complaint Letter – Lovin

ABC Construction Inc. 123 Vancouver Road, Winnipeg, MB R6E 0H5 (123) 456 7890 (Tel) (456) 789 1234 (fax) (email)   June 10, 2022   Customer Support Total Lighting Inc. 668 Bishop Road Winnipeg, MB R5T 8J7   Attention: Mr.

Assignment 3:1 Writing with the YOU Attitude MEMO- Lovin

Memorandum Date:      July 14, 2022 To:          Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student From:     Lovin Kahlon, ENGL 301 student Subject:  Best Practices for Emailing Professors Introduction Thank you for reaching out and asking about creating

Assignment 2:3: Formal Report Outline, Lovin

Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba Formal report outline: I. INTRODUCTION A. Background on dental hygiene clinical care (handscaling and ultrasonic scaling) B. Statement of the problem C. Purpose of the report D. Data collection sources


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