Author: Peter Yang


Dear all-star members: Below is my completed web folio It was a pleasure being your partner this semester Peter

Online resume PY

Peter Yang 11131 No 1 Road  Richmond, BC,  V7E 1S6   778-318-1589   Education  University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, May 2023, grade point average: 70 out of a possible 100. Member of UBC AMS

Peter ENGL 301 Application package

Advertisement  UBC-AllardLawJDbrochure20-21C CV Peter Yang_ CV Cover letter  Cover Letter List of Reference Reference letters Work Cited Peter A. Allard School of Law. “Admissions.” Peter A. Allard School of Law,, Accessed 8 Aug. 2022.  

Formal Report_ PY

Dear All Stars, Here is my final report Peter Peter Yang ENGL 301 Final report

Ethan Fung Peer review session

To: Ethan Fung, ENGL 301, team member From: Peter Yang, ENGL 301 student CC: Ethan Fung Date: July 27, 2022 Subject: Improve Air Conditioning in Chemistry Building UBC Hi Ethan: I enjoyed reading your report and I think this topic

Final Report Draft Peter Yang

Dear Al stars: Here is the draft for my formal report Formal Report draft  

Bad news letter

Fusajiro Yamauchi Nintendo of Canada, Ltd 2925 Virtual Way Suite 150,  Vancouver, BC V5M 4X5 July 16, 2022 Mr. Peter Yang Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4 Dear Mr. Yang: Thank you for the letter. Our first priority is your satisfaction, and

Letter of Complaint

University of British Columbia 11131 No 1 Road Richmond BC V7E 1S6 July,11,2022 Nintendo of Canada, Ltd.  2925 Virtual Way Suite 150,  Vancouver, BC  V5M 4X5  (604) 279-1600 Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing this letter to bring to

writing attitudes and memo to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student From: Peter Yang ENGL 301 student Date: July 11, 2022 Subject: Tips for Writing Email Messages to Professors Introduction Below is the requested memo regarding best practices in contacting professors seeking full enrollment. Below are

Formal proposal revised

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 professor From: Peter Yang, ENGL 301 student Date: June 22, 2022 Subject: Proposal for improved lighting in UBCV Audience  The intended audience for this formal report is Grant Miller: UBC Director of Planning: Development


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