Category: Instructor’s Blog

An example of a Memo- Re: Proposal for a Formal Report

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor From: XXX XXX, ENGL301 Student Date: June 22, 2022 Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba. According to the requirements of the lesson

Self-Editing and Reflection Blogs

Good Monday 301 I want to give you a few tips for self-editing your definition assignment and writing your first Reflection Blog. Here is an excellent example of a previous student’s first Reflection blog and should provide you with a clear idea

Editing out the Pronouns

The job as a Peer-reviewer is to review the document and provide suggestions for improving. Not to edit or even provide explanations for your suggestions. Peer-reviews and memos are circulated among a number of people, so YOUR reader is not

Organizing Peer Reviews

Organizing Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with subheadings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each and every element of the document under review as well as general elements First Impressions is a good subheading to begin a review

Writing Tips for Unit One

Editing for conciseness: If possible, avoid two and three verbs in a row. The goal is to aim for as concise and precise language as possible. For Example:   “More importantly, I learned how to work well in a team from

Details please

Details please. Learning to compose memorandums that are organized, clear, concise, and provide the necessary details is a skill you will be practicing throughout the semester.  Please be sure to review the textbook chapter on memorandums and ensure you are

A short Bio

Good Day English 301; I hope you’ve had an opportunity to read through the course description and schedule. Please do not hesitate to either email me or post on our chat page with any questions or comments you may have.

Writing a Methods Section for a Formal Report

Here is an example of a well-handled Methods Section. The Introduction section of a Formal Report always includes a description of the methodology. It is important to remain concise and at the same time provide both details and an explanation.

Avoiding Imperative verbs

Editing out the imperative verbs when possible will make your writing more reader-friendly by changing the tone from ‘a command’ to ‘a suggestion’. Editing out imperative verbs often changes the sense of the sentence from a command to an ‘action

First Drafts of Formal Reports: common errors to avoid

As you are composing your First Drafts of your Formal Reports, here is a list of the most common errors to be avoided when peer reviewing First Drafts. Avoid BIG CHUNKS of text: organize the report into sections and subsections.


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