Category: Instructor’s Blog

Unit One Writing Tips

Focus on Conciseness Here is a good tip for eliminating words and writing concisely: Edit out pro-nouns For example: I have written to my teammates and now have a small team for our assignment. The application letter mentioned my strengths,

Writing Teams and writing definitions

Good Friday morning 301 First, a quick note on forming your writing teams; if you receive an invitation to a team, you can write an email message responding to that invitation in place of a message of invitation. I have


Welcome to our course of studies together I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your work and the progress of our course

Drafting a Formal Report: the most common and serious errors

When drafting your Formal Report keep in mind the most common and serious errors: Writing with a negative tone: Avoid the negative. Writing with a demanding tone: Respect your reader, edit out imperative verbs. Writing information that your reader already

Writing Tips: framing survey questions

When composing survey questions, it is essential that the questions are framed in the positive, and do not lead toward a particular answer. In other words, avoid ‘leading questions.’ For example: Leading Questions: At what time of day or in

Avoid the Negative

Always ‘avoid the negative’ when writing proposals; stress positive outcomes rather than negative situations Here is an example: negative  With the rise in employees and with the lack of an organized HR information systems and management in place, it is

More Unit Two Writing Tips

When writing a list of things to do – try replacing imperative verbs with “ing” verbs – your writing tone will improve. For example: Post a professional profile photo. Profiles with photos are more likely to be viewed. When taking

Writing Tips: Unit Two

Three Writing Tips for Unit Two Organization of Peer Reviews; Ensure that peer reviews are organized with the same sections of the document you are reviewing: Create sub-sections with titles for each section of the document you are reviewing. For

Every word you write ….

Everything you write and every single word you choose is for your reader I have an important note that most of you are clear about – but I am sure some are still a little fuzzy: You need to have a

Surveys and ethical concerns:

Survey Introduction: an example  A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this is a very important. You must fulfill research ethics.  Here is a good example for you to study and follow the


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