Category: Izabel’s team

Izabel Lopez, Olivia Fournier, Rida Irshad, Jo Hempelman

Jo Final Report

An Analysis of Academic Misconduct Taking Place in Student Discord Servers Introduction In every class, students gather to form communities. We discuss the nature of the classwork, and we explore the subject matter of the course in greater depth by

Web Folio – Rida

Hello Everyone! Thank you for a great semester, I enjoyed taking this course with all of you! Attached is the link to my web folio for our final assignment. Have a great summer! Web Folio:

Web Folio – Olivia

Hello everyone, It has been wonderful spending this semester with you all, I have learned so much from your writing and peer reviews. I hope you all have a great rest of your summer and coming semesters. Thank you! Best,

Application Package – Hanul Seo

Good afternoon Team, Please see attached my application package. I have also attached a copy of my Resume for your reference. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Regards, Hanul Seo  

Application package – Olivia

“Faculty of Health Sciences.” Faculty of Health Sciences – Simon Fraser University,     June 2nd, 2022 Dear hiring team at the CDA Human Resources,   As an ambitious and enthusiastic dental hygienist, with a passion for health and safety

Application Package – Rida

Hello, Please see attached documents for Application Package and PDF version of my Resume. Thank you. Application Package – ENGL 301 Rida Rida Resume 2022 PDF

Formal Report – Hanul Seo

Hello Team, Attached is the PDF of my Final Formal Report. Thank you. Hanul Seo_Formal Report

Formal Report – PDF, Rida

Hello, Here is the Final Formal Report. Thank you. Formal Report – Rida ENGL 301 PDF

Final Formal Report – Olivia

Final Dental care programs Ontario

Peer Review of Izabel’s Formal Report Draft – Hanul Seo

To: Izabel Lopez, English 301 Student Writer From: Hanul Seo, English 301 Student Reviewer Date: August 1, 2022 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft: PLACEMENT OF COPPER IN TRANSLINK SERVICES IN VANCOUVER   Thank you for sharing your formal


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