Category: Izabel’s team

Izabel Lopez, Olivia Fournier, Rida Irshad, Jo Hempelman

Peer Review Definitions Assignment: Izabel

Name of the Reviewer:  Olivia Fournier Author’s Name: Izabel Lopez Title of the Expanded Definition: “Machine Learning”     As someone who does not know much at all about computer science, I certainly found your work to have taught me

Partners for Definitions Project

Hi Everyone! Here is a partners list for the definitions assignment. Olivia reviews Izabel, Izabel reviews Rida, Rida reviews Olivia, Jo reviews Hanul, Hanul reviews Jo, Thank you!

Rida’s Definition Assignment

Hello Team, Please see attached document for our definitions assignment. I have provided a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of the term Periodontitis (Per-e-o-don-tie-tis). This term is considered common language in the world of dentistry, used frequently throughout the day;

Izabel – Write Three Definitions Assignment

Hi Team, I hope everyone is doing well so far for the summer term. This assignment challenges us to explain a technical term clear and concisely to a general audience given 3 types of definitions. The attachment below includes my

Definitions Assignment

Hello Team! Very excited to be working with you all this semester. For this assignment, we are looking at different methods of definitions and how we can go about explaining terms in a professional way in the workplace. Attached to

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