Category: Jessica’s Team

Jessica Lan Barlescu, Samantha Krieg, Anushka Nair, Jeemin Kim

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo (Anushka)

MEMORANDUM  To: Jessica’s Team, ENGL 301 Writing Team  From: Anushka Nair, ENGL 301 Student  Date: 5 July 2022 Subject: Summary of the best practices for professional networking on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a powerful platform primarily used for professional networking. You can use the platform

LinkedIn Best Practices – Jessica

Memorandum To: Jessica’s Team, ENGL 301 Writing Team From: Jessica Barlescu, ENGL 301 Student Date: July 5th 2022 Subject: Summary of Best Practices for LinkedIn Below is a list of ten tips when using LinkedIn as a professional networking site.

LinkedIn Best Practices Memo (Jeemin Kim)

Memorandum To: Jessica’s Team, ENGL 301 Writing Team From: Jeemin Kim, ENGL 301 Student Date: July 5, 2022 Subject: Summary of LinkedIn Best Practices LinkedIn is an online service used to grow your professional network. Below is a summary of

Progress Report Memo – Samantha Krieg

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC From: Samantha Krieg, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC  SK Date: 2022/06/22 Subject: Progress on Formal Report – Improving Understanding of Waste Sorting at the University of British Columbia

Formal Report Outline – Samantha Krieg

Outline: Improving Understanding of Waste Sorting at the University of British Columbia Okanagan I. Introduction   A. Background Information   B. Purpose of the Report 1. Audience 2. Report Objectives 3. Proposed Initiatives 4.  Feasibility and Comparison Analysis   C.

Peer review of Anushka’s formal proposal – Jessica Barlescu

To: Anushka Nair, ENGL 301 Student Writer From: Jessica Barlescu, ENGL 301 Student Reviewer Date: June 29th, 2022 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Proposal to improve community engagement in Bedok public library run by Singapore’s National Library Board

Peer Review of Jessica’s Formal Report Proposal

To: Jessica Barlescu, ENGL 301 Student From: Anushka Nair, ENGL 301 Student Date: 29 June 2022 Peer Review/ Formal Report Proposal: Improved ingredient and allergen labelling at food establishments in the AMS Student Nest. Thank you for submitting the formal report

Peer Review of Samantha’s Formal Report Proposal (Jeemin Kim)

To: Ms. Samantha Krieg, ENGL 301 Student From: Ms. Jeemin Kim, ENGL 301 Student Peer Review / Formal Report Proposal: Improving Understanding of Waste Sorting at UBCO Thank you for submitting your formal report proposal assignment for lesson 2:1. Your

Peer Review of Jeemin’s Formal Report Proposal – Samantha Krieg

To: Ms. Jeemin Kim, ENGL 301 Student From: Ms. Samantha Krieg, ENGL 301 Student Peer Review / Formal Report Proposal: Improving Bike Rental System App for Foreigners in Seoul I enjoyed reading your formal report proposal submission for lesson 2:1.

Proposal Memo (Anushka)

MEMORANDUM To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor  From: Anushka Nair, ENGL 301 Student Date: June 22, 2022 Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal    I have posted my formal report proposal as detailed under Lesson 2:1 on my team’s


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