Category: Kristy’s Team

Samantha Teeple, Lovin Kahlon, Brianna Diogo and Kristy Vyfschaft

Web Folio Samantha

To: Kristy’s Team, Technical Writing 301 From: Samantha Teeple, Technical Writing Student Subject: Web Folio for Samantha Teeple   Dear Kristy’s Team, Below you will find a link that directs you to my web folio that includes: My homepage About

Web Folio- Lovin Kahlon

Hello Team Kristy, Attached is my Web Folio. It has been a pleasure to work with you all this semester. Best, Lovin Kahlon Enclosure:  LK Web Folio

Assignment 4:3 Web Folio – Kristy

To: Kristy’s Team From: Kristy Vyfschaft, ENGL 301 Student Date: August 11, 2022 Subject: Assignment 4:3 Web Folio Attachment Dear Kristy’s Team: Thank-you for an excellent summer working together. I appreciate all of your feedback throughout the course. Attached is

Brianna Diogo Web Folio

August 11, 2022 Attached is a link to my Web Folio. It has been a pleasure working alongside you all this semester, and I hope you enjoy the work that I have chosen to display on my page. Please feel

Brianna Diogo Application Package

Date: August 8, 2022 Subject: Application Package for Marketing Manager at Aritzia Dear Kristy’s Team: According to the assignment 4:2 guidelines, I have attached a PDF copy of my application package and an online link to my resume. The application

Brianna Diogo Resume

Brianna Diogo 1234 Main Street Vancouver, BC 1A2 B3C Phone: 111-111-1111   A creative, motivated individual who strives to work alongside a variety of driven professionals to create impactful, professional content that aligns with the goals of a brand

Online Resume-Lovin Kahlon

Lovin Kahlon 123 Broad Street Winnipeg, MB R5Y 7Y5 Phone: (120) 345-2234 Email:   Objective:                           Casual Dental Hygiene Instructor Position, leading to permanent part-time.   Education:                       

Assignment 4.2 Application Package Samantha

To: Kristy’s Team, ENGL 301 From: Samantha Teeple, ENGL 301 Student Date: August 8, 2022 Subject: Application Package for Master of Science in Craniofacial Science   Dear: Kristy’s Team, As per assignment 4.2 guidelines, I have included my application package:

Assignment 4:2 Application Package by Lovin Kahlon

Dear Team Kristy, Attached is my application package which includes a job advertisement, cover letter, resume and three requests for references. Also, attached is a link to my online resume. Best, Lovin Kahlon Application Package, English 301, Lovin Kahlon Link

Assignment 4:2 Application Package

To: Kristy’s Team, ENGL 301 Peers From: Kristy Vyfschaft, ENGL 301 Student Date: August 8, 2022 Subject: Application Package for Dental Hygienist Position in Public Health Dear Kristy’s Team: According to the assignment 4:2 guidelines, I have attached a PDF


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