Category: Kristy’s Team

Samantha Teeple, Lovin Kahlon, Brianna Diogo and Kristy Vyfschaft

Assignment 2.3 Report Outline-Brianna

Proposal for Re-organization of Affairs in Regards to Organization and Structural Issues INTRODUCTION Rancho Folclorico Cruz de Cristo background Statement of problem Purpose of this report Brief description of data sources Scope of inquiry DATA SECTION (Body) Sources of disorganization

LinkedIn Practices: Brianna Diogo

To: Team Kristy From: Brianna Diogo Date: July 6 2022 Subject: Best Practices for LinkedIn   Dear Team Kristy,    LinkedIn is a website used for networking on a professional scale that provides opportunities for connections and development. Below I

Assignment 2:2 Samantha LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

MEMORANDUM To:           Kristy’s Group From:      Samantha Teeple, Student <> Date:        July 5, 2022 Subject:    Ten Best Practices for using LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Site Networking is a necessary form of interaction with others to obtain contacts in a

Assignment 2:2 LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

To: Kristy’s Writing Team Members From: Kristy Vyfschaft Date: July 5, 2022 Subject: Summary of LinkedIn Best Practices Research MEMO LinkedIn is a professional networking site that is useful for creating connections and marketing yourself. Based on the requirements for

Assignment 2.2, LinkedIn Memo

Memorandum To: Team Kristy From: Lovin Kahlon Date: July 5, 2022 Subject: Best Practices for LinkedIn Dear Team Kristy, LinkedIn is a professional networking website that connects and strengthens professional relationships and aid in career development. Based on assignment 2.2,


To: Kristy Vyfschaft, Engl 301 Student Writer From: Brianna Diogo, Engl 301 Student Reviewer Date: June 29, 2022 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Proposal for Evaluating the Mental Health Concerns in a Dental Practice and the Feasibility of

Peer Review for Brianna of Report Proposal

To: Brianna Diogo, ENGL 301 Student Writer From: Kristy Vyfschaft, ENGL 301 Student Reviewer Date: June 29, 2022 Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: Re-Organization of Affairs in Regards to Organization and Structural Issues Thank-you for your research proposal

Peer Review Assignment 2.1 Formal Report Lovin

Thank you for submitting this proposal for integrating ultrasonic scaling at a pediatric dental practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is a good basis for determining the need for the integration of ultrasonic scalers to facilitate healthy pediatric mouths. First Impression:

Peer Review of Samantha’s Formal Report Proposal

Peer review: Formal Report Proposal To: Samantha Teeple From: Lovin Kahlon Date: June 29, 2022 Title of Formal Report Proposal: Missing Thank you for submitting the formal report proposal assignment 2:1. You have done a good job highlighting the prevalence

Proposal Memo- Brianna Diogo

Memo To: Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Professor From: Brianna Diogo Date: June 29, 2022 Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Re-organization of Affairs in Regards to Organization and Structural Issues According to the requirements of the 2.1 assignment, I


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