Category: Team Forum

Progress Report Memo, Dennis

Memorandum To: Dr. Erika Paterson From: Dennis Tianxiang Deng Date: July 8, 2022 Subject: Progress report: Improving Expensive Student Housing at UBC As requested, I have posted my formal report outline for determining the cause and impact of Expensive Student Housing

Formal Report Outline, Dennis

 Determining Cause and Impact of Rising Student Housing Cost at UBC I. INTRODUCTION A. Background on the issue of student housing affordability these years B. The potential cause and impact of the problem C. Who can take action into solving

Formal Report Outline (Chris Jung)

Implementing an Electronic Queuing System in the UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre  I. Introduction A. Introduction to the popular gym equipment in Birdcoop Fitness Centre and the current queuing system B. Statement of problem C. Purpose of report D. Brief description of

Piper Kim’s Formal Report Outline

Formal Report Outline: Implementing Dairy-Free Options at Ice Cream on Grand,  New Jersey, USA Introduction  History of Ice Cream On Grand  Purpose of this report Scope of this inquiry  Method of data collection  Data Section  The government consensus  People living

Assignment 2:3: Formal Report Outline, Lovin

Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba Formal report outline: I. INTRODUCTION A. Background on dental hygiene clinical care (handscaling and ultrasonic scaling) B. Statement of the problem C. Purpose of the report D. Data collection sources

Assignment 2:3 – Formal report progress MEMO Lovin

MEMORANDUM To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC From:  Lovin Kahlon, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC Date:  July 6, 2022 Subject: 301 Formal Report Progress: Integrating Ultrasonic scaling at Pediatric Dental Practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba. As requested

Leif Jack’s Formal Report Outline

Heighten the dikes or install water pumps? How to best manage Kelowna’s Mission Creek amid climate change.  Introduction Kelowna’s Recent Climate History Report Purpose Scope Report Method Brief Findings Summary Collected Data Drought vs. Mission Creek flooding likeliness Climate projections

MM Progress Report memo

To: Erika Paterson (Professor) From: Matilda Murray (Student) Date: 8th July, 2022 Subject: Summary of Progress Report As per Assignment 2.3, please find a summary of my progress report for attracting more customers to The Kings Arms: Intended Audience: The

Assignment 2:3 Formal Report Outline Samantha

Adopting Postural Awareness Techniques to Reduce Musculoskeletal Injuries Samantha Teeple General Purpose: To persuade Specific Purpose: To persuade the audience that the inclusion of these techniques will prevent long-term injuries Report Statement: Postural awareness techniques need to be adopted in

Nicole’s Formal Report Outline

Determining the Feasibility of Implementing a Website for Piquant Gourmet Specialties 1. INTRODUCTION a. Background on websites and their use for small businesses b. Statement of problem c. Scope of this inquiry d. Purpose and significance of this study 2.


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