Category: Team Forum

Peer Review Definition Assignment – Jo Hempelmann

Name of the Reviewer:  Hanul Seo Author’s Name: Jo Hempelmann Title of the Expanded Definition: “Chekhov’s Gun”   The art of story telling has always been an interest of mine. Therefore, when I read Jo’s definition of “Chekhov’s Gun”, I

Jo Hempelmann Definition

Definitons Jo Hempelmann Term Chekhov’s Gun Parenthetical Definition Unfortunately, the short story did not adhere to the principle of Chekhov’s Gun (plot points should be introduced early in the story). Sentence Definition Chekhov’s Gun is a storytelling technique that states

Jo Hempelmann Peer Review for Hanul Seo

Name of Reviewer: Jo Hempelmann Author’s Name: Hanul Seo Title of Expanded Definition: Attachment Styles I fully understood the definition of the term upon reading it. I am also a psych major, so I’m familiar with attachment styles, and I

Revision of peer review assignment EF

To: Matilda Murray From: Ethan Fung Peer review Term: Historiography   First Impressions: At a first glance, your definition of the term historiography was very well organized and appropriately suited for the target demographic. The assignment you submitted was a

Juanita’s Revised Definition

Term: Mortgage Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to understand and practice using definitions in technical writing to a non-technical audience. In this definition, we learn about a mortgage which is a common real estate term used by appraisers,

Piper Kim’s Revised Definition

Piper Kim  ENGL 301 98A 8 June 2022 Assignment 1.3 — Definitions  Introduction: Dear Writing Team,   In this assignment, I will explain the term democracy to non-technical readers through three definitions: (1) parenthetical, (2) sentence, and (3) expanded. This relatively

Revised Definition – Hanul

Introduction This assignment is to define the term ‘attachment style’ in Psychology for the public with little to no knowledge regarding psychological definitions through a generalized methodical statement. The purpose is to help the general public comprehend the definition and

Revised Definition: Brianna

Introduction The use and knowledge of definitions are a crucial part of communicating. This post is a demonstration of how to define a technical term using parenthetical, sentence and expanded definitions.  Parenthetical Definition: Gingivitis is a type of gum disease

Peer Review Definitions Assignments – Hanul

Name of the Reviewer:  Andrew Seo Author’s Name: Hanul Seo Title of the Expanded Definition: “Attachment Styles”   With little background in the field of psychology, I was interested to learn about how our early attachments effect us in our

Revised Definition (Anushka)

Introduction:   This assignment will provide parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of the term search engine optimization (SEO) to an audience of “non-technical readers”  Parenthetical Definition:  Search engine optimization (the process of improving your website to increase its visibility in


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