Category: Team Forum

Jessica Barlescu – Definitions assignment

engl 301 – definitions

301 Definitions Jeemin Kim

This assignment aims to introduce its readers to the concept of Object-oriented Programming (OOP), a widely used term in the domain of software engineering. Parenthetical definition: Object-oriented programming (OOP; a computer programming model based on the concept of “objects” (Wikipedia))

301 Definitions Harvey Dhaliwal

Introduction This assignment is focused on creating a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition of a relatively complex term. It is directed at a non-specialized reader for the purpose of providing a general understanding. Parenthetical Definition An angioplasty (surgical clearing of

1:3 Samantha’s Definition

This assignment displays the importance of technical writing and defining words specialized to a particular field that may require in-depth explanation depending on the intended audience. This definition selection also conveys which type of definition to select to accommodate a

Assignment 1:3. Nicole’s Definitions

Introduction  Definitions are important in technical communication to convey information. The purpose of this assignment is to inform non-technical readers about the function of a fuel cell, from the perspective of a company that specializes in fuel cell production. These

Dale’s Revised Definitions

Dale’s Revised Definitions Introduction: In this assignment we will define one term using three different strategies, a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition. This will show us the role definitions can play in different situations, and also

Tianxiang Deng – Definitions Assignment

ENGL 301 definitions by Dennis Introduction: In this assignment, three types of definitions will be provided to readers to build a common understanding of the subject and provide basic clarity without previous knowledge. The objective is to define the term ‘The

Danae Echeverria – Definitions Assignment

Danae Echeverria ENGL 301 98A June 8th, 2022 Lesson 1.3 – Definitions Dear Writing Team, This assignment aims to explain the term romanticism to nontechnical readers by providing three different definitions: (1) a parenthetical definition, (2) a sentence definition, and

Peter Yang Definition Assignment

  ENGL 301 definition

Definitions Assignment

Hello Team! Very excited to be working with you all this semester. For this assignment, we are looking at different methods of definitions and how we can go about explaining terms in a professional way in the workplace. Attached to


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