Category: All Stars

Peter Yang, ,Ethan Fung, Matilda Murray and Danae Echeverria

Web Folio – Assignment 4.3

Dear All Stars, Thank you SO much for all the fantastic work this term. I truly enjoyed getting to know each of you a bit better and reading your work. Please visit my web folio here. The password is “password”.


Dear all-star members: Below is my completed web folio It was a pleasure being your partner this semester Peter

MM Web Folio

Hello All Stars, It has been a great experience working with you all, the term has gone by so quickly. Here is the link to my web folio. Best, Matilda

Web Folio EF

Hi All Stars, Posted here is a link to my Web Folio: EF Web Folio Thanks for being such great teammates this summer semester! Sincerely, Ethan Fung

Web Folio

Hi Team, Here is my Web Folio for assignment 4.3– I designed the pages with texts that highlight my marketable skills relevant to content strategy and UX writing. Thank you for this semester and I am looking forward to viewing

Online resume PY

Peter Yang 11131 No 1 Road  Richmond, BC,  V7E 1S6   778-318-1589   Education  University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, May 2023, grade point average: 70 out of a possible 100. Member of UBC AMS

Online Resume – JK

Juanita Kwok 1234 Apple Street Vancouver, BC V7E 2J3 (604)-123-4567 OBJECTIVE Position in Project Management in the creative division with opportunity for advancement   SALES/MARKETING SKILLS Copywriting and distribution of e-blasts to realtor, prospect, and purchaser databases Creation of

Application Package – JK

Hi All Stars, Please see attached Application Package (cover letter, resume, three references letter, works cited for job listing), original job listing, and my online resume. Application Package Aritzia – Creative Project Manager Online Resume

Online Resume – DE

Danae Echeverria Coquitlam, BC |  778-861-2597 | EDUCATION University of British Columbia                                                       

Application Package – DE

Hi Team, Here is my application package for an Associate Consultant Internship position at Konrad, a digital agency and product innovation firm. Below are attachments to the 4 different components of the assignment: (1) the job advertisement and application instructions,


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