Category: All Stars

Peter Yang, ,Ethan Fung, Matilda Murray and Danae Echeverria

Matilda’s Peer Review of Peter’s Definitions Assignment

To: Peter Yang, Group Member From: Matilda Murray, Group Member Date: 9th June, 2022 Subject: Peer Review of your definition of Medulla Oblongata I have peer reviewed your assignment, and I think you did a great job. You clearly understood

Juanita’s Definitions (Assignment 1:3)

Hi All Star Team, I am excited to be working together this semester and share my first assignment for peer review. In this assignment, we will look at three different types of definition (parenthetical, sentence, expanded) to accompany our textbook

Danae Echeverria – Definitions Assignment

Danae Echeverria ENGL 301 98A June 8th, 2022 Lesson 1.3 – Definitions Dear Writing Team, This assignment aims to explain the term romanticism to nontechnical readers by providing three different definitions: (1) a parenthetical definition, (2) a sentence definition, and

Peter Yang Definition Assignment

  ENGL 301 definition

Ethan Fung definition

Ethan Fung ENGL 301 June 8th, 2022 Introduction: Dear writing team, This assignment aims to describe the term amino acid in varying levels of detail to nontechnical readers. The reading situation will be a 3rd year chemistry student explaining the

Matilda’s Definitions Assignment

Term: Historiography Introduction: The assignment is to define a term using multiple formats such as sentence, parenthetical and expanded definitions. The definition must be written so that non-technical readers, in this case, my writing group, can understand the term Historiography,

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How to post on your team page

Click on New Post On the right in the Categories box, click on your Team’s name Create your post and click on Publish


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