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Assignment 2.3 – Formal Report Outline

Inteview and Survey Questions

Assignment 2.1 – Revised Formal Report Proposal

To: Professor Erika Paterson From: Agron Bajraktari Date: February 15, 2021 Subject: Proposal to introduce digital document filing system to the Mortgage Brokerage. Audience The intended audience or reader of this report is the managing broker of the mortgage brokerage.

Assignment 2.2 – LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

Memorandum  To: The Photosynthesizers Team From: Munisha Bhandal Date: February 24th, 2021 Subject: Best Practices for Linked In LinkedIn is an excellent tool for professionals to connect, explore new employment openings and other opportunities. In creating a LinkedIn profile it

Revised assignment: defining gingivitis after peer review

ENG 301 Io Demers Jan 26, 2021 Technical Definitions   Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to take a “relatively complex term” from my professional field and translate or define it in terms my targeted audience can understand. There

Reflection- 1.3

At least three paragraphs reflecting on the process and the choices you made while writing, peer reviewing and self-editing; in short, what have you learned about your writing and your peer’s writing from this particular writing exercise and process? This

Revised Definition

Hello Team, I am posting my revised assignment 1.3 for ENGL 301 below. Thank you Hutton for reviewing for me, I found your suggestions valuable in my editing process, and making my definitions more accessible. Best, Mira Foster   As

Revised Definition

Hello Team, I am posting my revised definition for assignment 1.3 below. Thanks for your feedback Hutton, I found it valuable in making my definitions more accessible to a non-technical audience. Best, Mira Foster   As part of the Lesson

Revised Definition – Agron – Assignment 1.3

Word:  Water Turbine Situation: an electrical engineer explains to undergraduate students, in a lecture, in general studies, what a water turbine and how an electrical dam creates energy with the turbines. Parenthetical Definition: The dam holds seven water turbines (spinning engines with blades)

Revised Three Definitions Assignment

Introduction This assignment requires defining a technical term of interest for a specific “non-technical” audience using three definitions: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition and an expanded definition. The learning objective is to discover the importance of different definitions in


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