Category: Uncategorized

Assignment 1.3 – Definitions: Affidavit

To Photosynthesizers, I have attached my definition assignment for the term “affidavit” below. I look forward to hearing your feedback and reading your work. Sincerely, Munisha Bhandal   Assignment Link: Bhandal.Munisha. Affidavit Definition  

Progress Reports: most common errors

Here is a list of the most common errors in Formal Report Proposals: Neglecting to put a name and date on an attachment Neglecting to correctly name attachments Neglecting to put initials beside your name on memos Avoiding the word

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal Please note the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours Please note the minimal use of imperative verbs  Note how each Section of the Document under

How To create a new Team Post

Create a new post Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish

How To Post on your Team Page

Create a new post  Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish

How To Post on your Team Page

Create a new post  Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish

How to Post on your team page

Create a new post  Click on your Team name in the sidebar on your right under Categories Click Publish

Evaluation Sheets

Hello 301; Most of you have received a copy of the Evaluation Sheet for our course; but some of you have registered late, so I am posting a copy of the Evaluation sheet to answer any questions you may have

How To post on your Team Forum

When you want to add a post to your Team Forum you need to begin with a “new post.” Be sure to include the assignment number in your title; for example:  ‘1:3 Definitions’. When you are ready to publish, be

Editing out Imperative Verbs

Examples of how to remove imperative verbs: “You must make use of your headline by using good keywords referring to your field or interests so employers can find your profile when they are searching for candidates. Please fill in your


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