Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

An example of an excellent peer review for a formal report 1st draft

By erikapaterson on August 3, 2022 @3:59 pm

Please note: the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours the minimal use of imperative verbs how each and every section of the document under review has a subsection on the review details are provided – in

Common Errors to avoid while peer reviewing a Formal Report

By erikapaterson on July 20, 2022 @12:26 pm

Here are some tips on how to avoid common errors and examples on how to correct. Avoiding BIG CHUNKS of text: organize the report into sections and subsections. Double checking to ensure visuals are correctly labeled – refer to the

Writing a Methods Section for a Formal Report

By erikapaterson on July 18, 2022 @10:04 am

Writing a Methods Section for a Formal Report Here is an example of a well-handled Methods Section. The Introduction section of a Formal Report always includes a description of the methodology. It is important to remain concise and at the

Self-editing for Conciseness and Clarity

By erikapaterson on July 18, 2022 @9:47 am

Editing for conciseness  The goal is to aim for as concise and precise language as possible. If possible, avoid two and three verbs in a row. For Example: “Over the past two years, I have held the role of business development in

An Example of a memo to Evan Crisp

By erikapaterson on July 30, 2022 @8:52 am

Memorandum July 2, 2021 To: Evan Crisp, UBC Undergraduate Student From: XXX XXXX, ENGL 301 Student Subject: Best Practices for Effective Emails to Professors Introduction Thank you for seeking out the ENGL 301 students for advice on writing this email. 


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