Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Welcome English 301 Sept 2021

By erikapaterson on September 7, 2021 @1:06 pm

Welcome English 301 Hello everyone. I am pleased to be beginning a new semester of English 301. I designed this course as an online course in 2014 and have been teaching all my courses online since that time. I am

An Example of an excellent Reflection Blog

By erikapaterson on July 31, 2021 @11:31 am

Unit Three Reflections: The formal report draft assignment teaches the importance of organization, which is pivotal when writing a formal report. It is important to identify a number of elements prior to beginning the formal report and proceed in an

An excellent example of a Student Blog

By erikapaterson on July 29, 2021 @10:39 am

One note that I often give students is short and simple: “Details please.” Here is an example of a nicely detailed Reflection Blog:   Unit One Reflection Blog Writing the first draft of the Technical definition In the first unit

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal

By erikapaterson on July 23, 2021 @8:59 am

A Student Example of a Peer Review for a Report Proposal Please note: the minimal use of pronouns: I / me/ You / Yours the minimal use of imperative verbs how each Section of the Document under review has a

Peer Reviewing Formal Report Drafts

By erikapaterson on July 21, 2021 @10:58 am

As I read through the early Formal Report drafts and peer reviews, I am finding some continuing common errors which are worth providing more examples for correcting. Please do review the following list and self-edit. Avoid BIG CHUNKS of text:


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