Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Example of a Peer Review of a Definition

By erikapaterson on September 28, 2019 @12:42 pm

English 301 Lesson 1:3 Assignments: Peer review Organizing Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with sub-headings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each element of the document as well as general elements First Impressions is a good way to

Posting on your Team Forum

By erikapaterson on September 21, 2019 @6:21 am

Good day 301 How to Post: Begin a ‘new post‘ and when ready to publish go to the Categories box on the right side of the page and click the box with your team name. When to Post: Follow the

Focus on Conciseness

By erikapaterson on September 18, 2019 @9:41 am

WRITING TIP: Focus on Conciseness Removing as many pronouns as possible improves conciseness. Avoid three verbs in a row Removing as many unnecessary words as possible improves clarity and conciseness Example: 103 words: Studying political science for my undergrad has

Evaluation Sheets

By erikapaterson on September 18, 2019 @9:39 am

Below is a copy of the Evaluation sheet for this course. Please study this sheet and note how your points are distributed. You will notice that the majority of your grade is collected in the final assignments and that there

Welcome to English 301

By erikapaterson on August 30, 2019 @2:23 pm

Hello 301 Welcome to our course of studies together and Welcome to my Instructor’s Blog I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your


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