Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Survey and Interview Introduction: an example

By erikapaterson on February 16, 2022 @9:54 am

Survey and Interview Introduction: an example  A common error with this assignment is the composition of the introduction to your surveys; this is extremely important. You must fulfill research ethics.  Here is a good example for you to study and follow

Details Please

By erikapaterson on February 14, 2022 @11:09 am

The reader of a Peer Review is not necessarily the writer of the document under review – so details are necessary. Please note in the following examples how pronouns have been edited-out as well as details included in bold. Example:

Self-Editing and Reflection Blogs

By erikapaterson on February 7, 2022 @10:05 am

Good Monday 301 I want to give you a few tips for self-editing your definition assignment and writing your first Reflection Blog. Here is an excellent example of a previous student’s first Reflection blog and should provide you with a

Avoiding Pronouns: examples

By erikapaterson on February 7, 2022 @10:00 am

The job as a Peer-reviewer is to review the document and provide suggestions for improving. Not to edit or even provide explanations for your suggestions. In a professional context, always consider your readers to be a busy people. Peer-reviews and

Organizing Peer Reviews; an example

By erikapaterson on February 6, 2022 @6:54 am

Organizing Peer Reviews: Peer reviews should be organized with subheadings and bullet points Sub-headings should include each and every element of the document under review as well as general elements First Impressions is a good subheading to begin a review


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