1:3 Assignment: Three Definitions

Introduction: The goal of assignment 1:3 is to acknowledge the significance and role of definitions in technical writing. Understand how the audience and purpose indicate the need for definition. Be able to distinguish between levels of details in definition. In addition, choose the appropriate level of detail for the situation. To accomplish this, a complex term with appropriate definitions is chosen (parenthetical, sentence and expanded)

Term: Gentrification 

Situation/Audience: A wealthy couple is looking for a new place to live. They prefer to live in a less affluent neighbourhood because the houses are less expensive. However, as more wealthy residents move into the area, the neighbourhood gentrifies. It means that the living and housing costs will rise and the community’s culture will change. 

Parenthetical Definition: Gentrification describes a process where wealthy, college-educated individuals begin to move into poor or working-class communities, often originally occupied by communities of colour (National Geographic Society, 2022) 

Sentence definition: Gentrification is the movement of wealthy people into areas of low economic development, which frequently results in the displacement of poor people.

Expanded Definitions: 

  1. History

The term gentrification was coined in the 1960s by British sociologist Ruth Glass (1964) to describe the displacement of the working-class residents of London neighborhoods by middle-class newcomers (Richardson, Mitchell, Franco, 2019). 

2. Operating Principle 

Gentrification is the transformation of a city neighborhood from low value to high value (Picardo, 2022) 

3. Required Conditions 

The causes of gentrification/ required conditions for gentrification to occur include: Rapid job growth, Tight housing market dynamics, Preference for city amenities, Increased traffic congestion, Targeted public-sector policies (Picardo, 2022) 

4. Visuals 

Source: Researchgate


National Geographic Society. (2022). Gentrification. National Geographic . Retrieved February 

              7, 2023 from https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/gentrification/ 

Picardo, E. (2022). Gentrification: Definition, causes, Pros & Cons. Investopedia. Retrieved 

          February 8, 2023, from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/g/gentrification.asp 

Researchgate. A conceptual model of gentrification. (n.d.). Retrieved February 8, 2023, from 


Richardson, J., Mitchell, B., & Franco, J. (2022). Shifting neighborhoods: Gentrification and 

              cultural displacement in American cities. NCRC. Retrieved February 8, 2023, 

               from https://ncrc.org/gentrification/ 

One comment on “1:3 Assignment: Three Definitions
  1. LiamPlosker says:

    Hi Karolina,

    Great work clearly describing your term, “gentrification.” For a more specific term like this which doesn’t have widespread use in daily life, it is paramount to provide a clear situation and audience for the term, and you have done that here. The situation you offer of a wealthy couple who are looking to move into a new neighbourhood is appropriate and straightforward. Moreover, your expanded definition is concise, but provides a good foundational understanding of the steps that result in a “gentrification” process. Your visual aid is also very presentable and conveys a lot of information in a relatively small space.

    All the best for future assignments, and great work on this one!

    Kind regards from your team member,


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