1.3 Peer Review Report

To: Riya Kathuria

From: Brian Wong 


Peer Review – Term: Demand Generation


Thank you for posting the definition assignment for peer review, it was very informative. Please see the review of the submission below. 


First Impressions:

The submission followed all the assignment guidelines and was executed well. Organization and consistent spacing could be improved upon to provide readers with increased visual clarity. Visual is clear and labeled, however, citations appear to be incomplete. Please see below for further comments. 



  • Introduction to the assignment could be elaborated on as it is quite vague. The criteria for the assignment is unclear.
  • Submission is generally well-organized with appropriate headers and subheaders. Consistent spacing and larger fonts for subheaders could be done to improve visual clarity for readers. 
  • Title for Figure 1 is not below the visual and lacks a title. A citation for this figure is needed.



  • Expression is done well throughout the submission, a professional tone is used.
  • Further elaboration of the parenthetical definition, like the textbook examples, would provide a stronger definition 
  • Instances where more concise language could be used are present. For example:
    • “The company may also use data analysis and customer feedback to optimise their demand generation efforts and ensure they are effectively meeting the needs and wants of their target market.”
      • The word “and” is used quite often in this sentence and could be written in a more concise manner. For example, “needs and wants” could be replaced with “demand”, “requirements”, or simply “needs” to be more concise.



  • Submission includes all the required content: 
    • Introduction
    • Three forms of definition
    • Four types of expansion 
    • Visual
    • Works cited list



  • Visual is clear and easy to follow along.
  • The visual needs a title and location of label needs to be corrected.


Works Cited List:

  • Works cited list appears to be in the MLA style, however, it is lacking certain information such as the website link or journal article information.


Grammar and Typos:

  • Overall very few grammar and typo issues are present. In the Sentence Definition, the statement says: 
    • “Demand generation, in the realm of marketing, is a technique that utilizes data to create interest and recognition for a company’s product’s, with the ultimate objective of fostering long term with customer engagement.”
      • Product’s should be products, without the apostrophe. 
      • “… Fostering long term with customer engagement” should not have “with” in the phrase.


Concluding Comments:

The definition was a delight to read and overall done very well. It was organized and easy to follow. With a few edits, the document will be ready for professional grading:


  • Bold subheadings to increase visual clarity 
  • Consistent spacing to increase visual clarity 
  • Figure title and appropriate location for the label 
  • Resolving typos / grammatical expressions for fluidity 
  • Including additional information on the Works Cited list 


It has been a pleasure to review this submission, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. Thank you. 


Link to definition under review: Definition Under Review

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