Peer Review: Junelie Guevarra

Name of the Reviewer: Gabriella Generoso
Author’s Name: Junelie Guevarra
Title of the Expanded Definition: Agonist

Thank you for submitting Assignment 1.3 to our team forum. This document provided a comprehensive and well-written explanation of the term, “Agonist.” Please see the review of the document below, which includes suggestions for improvement.

Initial Impressions

A proficient definition of the term, Agonist, was provided in an organized and informative manner. An excellent execution of the assignment requirements was delivered, which included  a centralized focus that made it easily digestible for your audience.


The introduction made the purpose very clear, as it outlined the assignment’s objective and criteria to allow for a smooth and digestible read all throughout. Furthermore, this document executed a proficient job in not straying away from the intended focus by only providing information that is effective and relevant for the understanding of the term.


The submission includes the following required content:

  • Introduction
  • Situation/Audience
  • Parenthetical Definition
  • Sentence Definition
  • Three Expansive Strategies
  • Visual
  • Three Cited References


  • While the introduction clearly outlines the purpose of the assignment, illustrating the situation as a less vague image would be more efficient. (Example: a nurse is explaining to the patient who is recovering from Opioid Use Disorder why they should take the agonist drug in order to stimulate and increase their brain function).
  • The visual you provided to leverage your definition was very effective as it provided a better understanding of the term through the use of compare and contrast with Antagonist.


  • The tone and expression used in this document are clear and professional. The document gets to the main points in a concise manner and makes it an easy read.
  • Parenthetical definitions for scientific terms such as, “chemical neurotransmitter,” “hallucinogens,” and “activating receptor,” would assist readers who do not have a scientific background.

Grammar and Typos

  • There is only one typo to consider under Examples, where the word, “hallucinogens,” was included twice. (Re: “Agonists such as hallucinogens, hallucinogens, opioids…”

Concluding Comments

The definition provided for the term, “Agonist,” is clear and easy to understand. The organization and format of the assignment made it an effortless read. Consider and include the following edits to ensure an even more outstanding assignment:

  • Provide a more elaborate and specific situation in the introduction; and
  • Proofread for typos and amend any errors.

Thank you for your submission. Should you have any questions or concerns, kindly reach out via email (

Link to Assignment 1.3:

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