Peer Review – RAID

To Justin Tang

From: Corbyn Kwan

Peer Review / Term: / RAID

First Impressions

This is a well-written document. I understood most of the material on the first reading. There is enough information in the definition. I would ask for small revisions, though. Please read below:


The purpose is clearly defined, and the document is focused on the intended purpose. However, In the “How does it work” subheading, RAID 0 and RAID 1 are only mentioned, but a client who wants to know the “different types of RAID configurations” would want to know RAID 2-5.


I thought the “Is RAID the same as backup” subsection was very informative because it’s a common question that readers might have. I thought the explanation of “How does it work” and “How is it used” very informative because they explained how and why it’s used.

It is unclear what “availability”, “visualization technology”, and “streaming” are so a parenthetical definition of these terms would be appreciated so readers can understand what these terms mean.


I enjoyed how you added subsections for the expanded definition because it makes it easier to read and know what point you are trying to convey.

In the “How does it work?” section, it explained how data striping and data mirroring work, but I was confused about how this would help with reliability, capacity, performance, and availability. It explains it in the “is RAID the same as backup” section, but I feel this information will be better suited in the “How does it work?” section

It might be better to put the “How is it used ” section before the “How does it work” section because the purpose is to explain it to a client who is more interested in how it is used.

The figure is correctly labeled. But the figure wasn’t referenced in the document, so it might be confusing for readers to interpret it.


The element of the document that needs the most improvement is the typos. Here are a couple of things I noted:

  • Double space in “How does it work?” and “How is it used?”
  • Berkeley instead of Berkley in “What is the History”
  • “in in” in “What is the History”
  • “..” in Introduction

Additional Comments

Formatting the figure, so it centers in the middle of the page would make it easier to read.

Adding a conclusion would be helpful.

Fixing any typos or grammar mistakes would make it easier to read.

It was a pleasure reading your work. Feel free to contact me if you have any inquiries.

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